BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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Occationally, people have been asking me about the sources used for 'The Hunt
for 7th October', some are even willing to pay a decent lump of money for it.
I don't have much use for it myself anymore, so I see no reason why a few of
my old sources should stay unused in a dusty disk-box if someone finds them
Together with this file, you should find one of my vector-graphics sources and
the files needed to assemble it. Almost a year after the release of 'The Hunt
for 7th October', I did a few changes which made it slightly faster. I think it
is that source you will find with this file.
* This is not at all a kind of 3D engine. Its usefulness beyond displaying
a single rotating object is quite limited.
* The code was written to make fast graphics, whenever I could save a few
cycles at the cost of readability I chose to save those cycles. It is just
a ugly lump of code - you will find no subroutines (!)
* It will not work very well on AGA-machines. It should be a quite easy fix,
though. I bet the copper-list is really nasty.
* I present the source code exactly as I left it several years ago. It has not
been prepared for a public release and documentation is sparse.
* It wont assemble in its present form. Include paths are set to fit my
original source disk.
* No tools are provided. I didn't bother to search through my disks for them.
They are such ugly hacks anyway, so I better not release them.
The files that come with this release are:
README: This file.
COPYING: Some legacy stuff.
4bp_vector.S: The source. Modify the includes and add AGA-support if needed.
newcomb: A lookup table needed to draw correct colours, I think.
8bitSine: Name says it all.
fastblit.i: Some names of blitter registers, relative to $dff058.
tec.4bp: Some sample objects.
A few notes on the object format:
Just look at the samples. I bet you are able to figure out how it works.
There are a couple of this that may not be obvious:
1. 'Invisible points' are points that belong to a polygon, but it not used
to draw it. Sorting is done by assigning a z-value to each polygon and
sort in the order of those values. 'Invisible points' may be useful to
assign a value to a polygon making correct sorting likely. This isn't
a very good explanation, but a hint perhaps.
2. Each object has a list called 'sizes' with one entry for each polygon.
You should be able to calculate these sizes by doing a cross product
with the two vectors made by the three first points in each polygon. If
these values are incorrect, the shading wont look good at all.
If I forgot to include some needed files, please let me know.
You can reach me on:
Student address:
Steinar Midtskogen
Fjellbirkeland 26A435
N-0864 OSLO
or by a even slower way (but more likely to reach me if I move) via my parents:
Steinar Midtskogen
Svenskerud 127
I release this under the GNU Lisence in the hope that it can be useful to
someone. It is not released as public domain or shareware (read the COPYING
file for details). However, if you insist to pay for it, I wont stop
you from sending me whatever you want as a donation :-), but this code
shall always be available at no cost.
Steinar Midtskogen (once Tec of Cryptoburners), September 24, 1994.